Public Forum March 22, 2025


Gainesville Chapter of the United Nations Association of the USA presents

A Public Forum
“The Impact of the Trump Administration on the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)”


Rick_Gold.jpeg   Speaker: Rick Gold, Retired USAID Foreign Service Officer

•Rick Gold served as a USAID Foreign Service Officer for 29 years and as a USAID consultant specializing in democracy, governance, anti-corruption, rule of law and gender for 15 years. He headed the Rule of Law Division in the Agency headquarters where he finalized the publication of the Guide to Rule of Law Country Analysis: The Rule of Law Strategic Framework. He directed the USAID/Egypt Democracy Office where he focused on criminal justice and violence against women and children. He served as the USAID/Mali Program Officer for four years and developed a mission strategy for assisting the country’s post-conflict northern region.

•As a consultant, Rick worked in Niger, Liberia, Tunisia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Haiti. For the U.S. State Department, he evaluated anti-corruption programs in Bosnia and North Macedonia which are used as a guide for anti-corruption project design.

•Rick holds a Master of Public Affairs degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and Master of Public & International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh. He speaks fluent French and has studied Moroccan, Egyptian and standard Arabic.

Saturday, March 22, 2025
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Millhopper Library • Room A
3145 NW 43rd Street Gainesville, FL 32606

Mission Statement

 To educate, inspire, and mobilize Gainesville to support the principles and vital work of the United Nations

Vision Statement

A peaceful, secure, just, and sustainable local and global community.

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Since 1946, the United Nations Association of the United States has been dedicated to building understanding of and support for

the ideals and work of the UN among the American people. 

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Dear UNA Members,

As the United Nations General Assembly meets in New York, you don't have to be in NYC to be a part of the action! Global Goals Week provides a set of actions you can take to support the Sustainable Development Goals during UN General Assembly week. Here are a couple ways you can get involved and make sure your voice is being heard.


  1. Support the Sustainable Development GoalsLearn how

  2. Thank you for all your support, and happy Global Goals Week!

United Nations Association of the United States of America


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